Optimize commercial management

Strategy and Innovation

Marketing and Comunication Strategy

"What's my business and what the principal keys of success to continue growing"

Smart Sales

Take advantage of customer's knowledge to create new business opportunities

"Who are they and what my clients expect of me." "How many would recommend our company or how many of them would make a purchase again"

  • Channel portfolio segmentation (agents and brokers)
  • Customer value segmentation.
  • Identifying hidden opportunities. Analysis of the BBDD to look for upgrade, upsell or cross-selling campaings.
  • Identification propensity models to find twins in external BDD.
  • Microtargets analysis for sales boosting or to improve retention ratios.
  • Feedback of commercial processes. Integrate information from field sales network to improve and fine tune next campaings targeting.
  • Identifying high risk profiles of cancellation.

Sales Growth

Development and implementation of sales and loyalty actions

"How do I get offers to potential customers." "How can i promote a profitable relationship with my clients"

  • Adapting product to target, and target for effective communication media.
  • Campaigns to attract new customers. Focused actions by groups or products.
  • "Blitzz sales action": Short and strong sales effort campaing, no more than 10 weeks duration. Specially designed for sales boosting and the involvement of the sales team quickly.
  • Develop sales arguments of sale or retention
  • Network activation campaigns "plugandplay".

Sales Network

Salesforce organization, trainning and motivation

"How can I keep my team motivated, to feel the company as their own". "How can I keep my sellers trained and formed".

  • "In field assement" for vendors to identify areas of  improvement.
  • Audit of commercial structure, organization and team training.
  • Empowerment projects for Key Accounts teams.
  • Changing role projects in commercial structures.
  • Workshops potential development / motivational workshops.
  • Sessions of innovation and commercial strategy, for  Management Committees or board of directors.
  • Personal self-selection tool to optimize business processes rotation.